About Us
Shirdi Sai Trust, came into being in 1996. Shri. M. Meenakshisundaram, an Advocate from Tiruchirapalli, set foot on the Holy Land of Shirdi in 1982 for the 1st time with his family. From then on began his tryst with the Sathguru. Almost every year he visited Baba when in 1995, Baba decided to company him to Tiruchirapalli. Shri. Sivanesan Baba gave a potrait of the Sathguru to Shri. M. Meenakshisundaram as a birthday gift and told him to take it along and begin the process of building a Temple in Tiruchirapalli for the Sathguru. Thus Baba built for Himself this Shirdi Sai Community Centre and has thence guided in the various Services from His portal.